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Privacy Policy

Preamble :
To have in your possession, all the useful information
services and excursions that we offer,
it is strongly recommended and essential to create your own account with a personalized password, on the platform of our editor
Respect for the protection of personal data constitutes an ethical value of LOUXOR CATAMARAN in accordance with its personal data protection policy.
We take   all the necessary precautions to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and in accordance with the regulations.
Please note that this privacy policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by LOUXOR CATAMARAN, in particular with a view to complying with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the top of this policy. These modifications commit the User as soon as they are put online. The User should therefore regularly consult this privacy policy and the use of cookies in order to be aware of any changes.



In general, you can visit the LOUXOR CATAMARAN Site without disclosing any personal information about yourself. In any case, you are in no way obliged to transmit this information


However, in case of refusal, you may not be able to benefit from certain information or services that you have requested. As such, LOUXOR CATAMARAN may in certain cases be required to ask you to enter your surname, first name, email address, telephone number, etc... (hereinafter your "Personal Information"). By providing this Personal Information, you expressly agree that it will be processed by LOUXOR CATAMARAN, for the purposes indicated in point 2 below as well as for the purposes stated at the end of each form.


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, LOUXOR CATAMARAN informs you of the following points:

1. Identity of the controller


The controller is LOUXOR CATAMARAN, 357 RUE DES REMPARTS 34400  LUNEL – France.
Such. : 06 95 57 35 83

2. Purposes of processing

LOUXOR CATAMARAN may process your Personal Information:

(a) for the purpose of providing you with the information or services you have requested (in particular: sending the Newsletter, commercial offer); and or
(b) for the purpose of collecting information enabling us to improve our Site, our products and services (in particular by means of cookies); and or
(c) for the purpose of being able to contact you about various events relating to LOUXIR CATAMARAN, including in particular the update of products and/or services.


3. Recipients

Only the publishing companies and LOUXOR CATMARAN   are recipients of your Personal Information. These, whether in individual or aggregated form, are never transmitted to a third party. Our publisher and LOUXOR CATAMARAN will not market the personal data of visitors and Users of its Site.

4.The duration of the conversation

Your Personal Information is kept by LOUXOR CATAMARAN AND WIX.COM only for the time corresponding to the purpose of the collection as indicated in 2 above which cannot in any case exceed 24 months.

5.Computer Rights and Freedoms

You have the following rights regarding your Personal Information, which you can exercise by writing to us at the postal address mentioned in point 1 or by completing the form opposite.

o Right of access and communication of data


You have the ability to access the Personal Information that concerns you.
However, due to the obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data which is incumbent on LOUXIR CATAMARAN,you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you provide proof of your identity, in particular by producing a scan of your valid identity document (if requested by our dedicated electronic form) or a photocopy signed with your valid identity document (if requested in writing).
LOUXOR CATAMARAN informs you that it will be entitled, if necessary, to oppose manifestly abusive requests (by their number, their repetitive or systematic nature).
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise your right of access by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter drawn up by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (the “CNIL”).'acces

o Right to rectification of datas

Under this right, the legislation entitles you to request the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data concerning you which may prove to be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.
You can also define general and specific directives relating to the fate of personal data after your death. If necessary, the heirs of a deceased person may demand that the death of their loved one be taken into account and/or that the necessary updates be made.
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise, for your own account or on behalf of one of your deceased relatives, your right of rectification by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter developed by the CNIL.


o Right of opposition

The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the following two situations:
When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate reasons; Where
When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise your right of opposition by means of a written request addressed to the postal address indicated in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter drawn up by the CNIL.


6. Response times

LOUXOR CAYAMARAN undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time which may not exceed 1 month from receipt of your request.

7. Authorized service providers and transfer to a third country of the European Union


LOUXOR CATAMARAN informs you that it uses its authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data that you have communicated to us. These providers may be located outside the European Union or outside the European Community
LOUXOR CATAMARAN has previously ensured the implementation by its service providers of adequate guarantees and compliance with strict conditions in terms of confidentiality, use and data protection. In particular, vigilance has focused on the existence of a legal basis for carrying out any transfer of data to a third country. As such, one of our service providers is subject to internal corporate rules (or "Binding Corporate Rules") which were approved by the CNIL in 2016 when the others obey not only Standard Contractual Clauses but also the Privacy Shield.

8. Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that LOUXOR CATAMARAN does not respect its obligations with regard to your Personal Information, you can address a complaint or a request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL to which you can send a request electronically by clicking on the following link:
This privacy policy defines and informs you of the way in which GRANVILLE LOUXOR CATAMARAN uses and protects the information that you transmit to us, if necessary, when you use this site accessible from the following URL:
Below you will find detailed information on the processing of your personal data when using this website.
This privacy policy will help you understand how LOUXOR CATAMARAN uses and protects the data you provide to us when you visit and use
We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, of which you will be promptly updated. If you want to ensure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to visit this page frequently.

What user data we collect

When you visit the website, we may collect the following data:
  • Your IP address.
  • Your contact details and email address.
  • Other information such as interests and preferences.
  • Profile data about your online behavior on our website.

Why we collect your data

We collect your data for several reasons:
  • To better understand your needs.
  • To improve our services and products.
  • To send you promotional emails containing information which we think you will find interesting.
  • To contact you to complete surveys and participate in other types of market research.
  • To customize our website based on your online behavior and personal preferences.


Links to other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. If you click on these links, Le Domaine de Plaisance is not responsible for the protection of your data and your privacy. Visiting such websites is not governed by this Privacy Policy Agreement. Be sure to read the privacy policy documentation of the website you access from our website.


Restrict the collection of your personal data

ToAt some point, you may wish to restrict the use and collection of your personal data. You can achieve this by doing the following:
When filling in forms on the website, be sure to check if there is a box you can leave unchecked, if you do not wish to disclose your personal information.
If you have already agreed to share your information with us, please do not hesitate to contact us by email and we will be more than happy to change this for you.
LOUXOR CATAMARAN will not rent, sell or distribute your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission. We may do so if required by law. Your personal information will be used when we need to send you promotional material if you agree to this privacy policy.
This privacy policy will help you understand how LOUXOR CATAMARAN uses and protects the data you provide to us when you visit and use https://louxor
We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, of which you will be promptly updated. If you want to ensure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to visit this page frequently.





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